When a brain understand 8 hemispheres of reasonable doubt working in series parallel space around their sole position adapting forward daily, they stop following one track mantras 24/7.
See once you accept how evolving actually happens your personal 6 senses 5 navigate around the one awareness of personal location living in a series parallel situation where 7 axioms of maybes holds 8 open ended possibilities now isn't eternity.
What are the names of those 7 axioms? Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
what are those 8 open ended possibilities. Solstices, equinoxes, solstices, equinoxes where 4 seasonal shifts happen 8 times a 52 week of 7 days being tomorrow each rotation forward now each year since birth, when life for a reproduction began 0-9 months before born in one of 12 months a revolution around the star.
If one removes your vernacular shelters of reasonable doubt, you are left as a reproduction loathing your time naturally here trying to keep others as miserable as you made yourself so far.